
Crowdfunding has become a popular way to raise money because it allows individuals and organizations to tap into the power of the crowd and reach a large number of people who are willing to support their project or cause. It also allows people to support projects that they believe in and to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Find out more about Crowdfunding below.

What is Crowdfunding ?

Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital for a project or venture by collecting small contributions from a large number of people, typically via the internet. The idea behind crowdfunding is to bypass traditional financing methods, such as loans or venture capital, and instead appeal directly to potential supporters or customers. Crowdfunding can be used for a variety of projects, including creative endeavors like music or film production, charitable causes, and business startups.

In a crowdfunding campaign, a person or organization sets a funding goal and creates a campaign page on a crowdfunding platform, where they describe their project, explain their funding needs, and offer incentives or rewards to supporters who contribute money. Supporters can then contribute to the project through the campaign page, often in exchange for rewards or perks.

Crowdfunding uses social media and crowdfunding websites to connect investors and entrepreneurs. By enlarging the pool of investors outside the typical circle of relatives, owners, and venture capitalists, crowdfunding has the potential to boost entrepreneurship. There are several types of crowdfunding, including donation-based crowdfunding, reward-based crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding, and debt crowdfunding.

Key Facts of Crowdfunding

  • Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet.
  • Using crowdfunding, investors can choose from hundreds of projects and put as little as $10 into each.
  • There are limitations on who can invest in a new company and how much they can give.
  • Equity-based crowdfunding projects are regulates by the SEC in the US.
  • Websites that connect fundraising organisations with people eager to donate to that organisation commonly facilitate crowdfunding.
  • The most well-known crowdfunding websites include Kickstarter, GoFundMe, and Indiegogo.

How Does Crowdfunding Work ?

Crowdfunding works by connecting individuals or organizations seeking funding with a large number of people who are willing to contribute small amounts of money towards a specific project or cause. It allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to seek funding for a wide range of projects, such as creative projects, entrepreneurial ventures, social causes, and personal needs. Here's how the process typically works :

1) Create a campaign : 
The individual or organization seeking funding creates a campaign page on a crowdfunding platform, where they describe their project, funding goals, and rewards for supporters.

2) Promote the campaign : 
The campaign creator promotes the campaign through social media, email, and other marketing channels to attract potential supporters.

3) Receive contributions : 
Supporters can contribute money to the campaign through the crowdfunding platform using a credit card, PayPal, or other payment methods.

4) Reach funding goal : 
The campaign creator sets a funding goal, and if the campaign reaches the goal, the funds are transferred to the creator.

5) Fulfill rewards : 
Once the campaign ends, the creator fulfills any rewards promised to supporters based on their contribution level.

6) Complete the project : 
The creator uses the funds to complete the project, and updates supporters on its progress through the crowdfunding platform.

Crowdfunding blends the ideas of crowdsourcing and microfinance by bringing together a variety of people who donate modest sums of money to causes and organizations they believe in. Websites that make it simple for entities to discover possible sponsors are frequently used for this. Funders may demand shares, products, or services in exchange for their donations, or they may choose to donate the money.

Entrepreneurs now have the chance to raise hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars from anyone. Without expecting anything in return, people who fund crowdfunding projects and organizations may do so as donations to a cause they support.

Types of Crowdfunding

There are several types of crowdfunding, each with its own characteristics and benefits. Here are the four main types of crowdfunding :

1) Donation-based crowdfunding :
 This type of crowdfunding is based on donations made by supporters who are not expecting any kind of financial return. Donation-based crowdfunding is typically used for charitable causes or disaster relief efforts.

2) Reward-based crowdfunding : 
In this type of crowdfunding, supporters contribute money in exchange for rewards or perks offered by the campaign creator. These rewards can range from early access to the product being developed to exclusive merchandise or experiences.

3) Equity-based crowdfunding : 
Equity crowdfunding allows supporters to invest in a company in exchange for equity shares. This type of crowdfunding is often used by startups or early-stage companies to raise capital from a large number of investors.

4) Debt-based crowdfunding : 
In debt-based crowdfunding, supporters lend money to the campaign creator with the expectation of repayment with interest. This type of crowdfunding is similar to a traditional loan, but the lender is typically an individual rather than a financial institution.

Each type of crowdfunding has its own benefits and risks, and it's important for creators and supporters to understand the specific characteristics of each type before participating in a crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding Websites

There are many crowdfunding websites available, each with their own unique features and specialties. Here are some of the most popular crowdfunding sites :

1) Kickstarter : 
Kickstarter is one of the most well-known crowdfunding platforms, focused on creative projects such as art, music, film, and technology. Kickstarter campaigns typically offer rewards in exchange for donations, and the platform operates on an all-or-nothing funding model.

2) Indiegogo : 
Indiegogo is another popular crowdfunding platform that offers a range of funding models, including all-or-nothing and flexible funding. The platform supports a wide range of projects, including creative, entrepreneurial, and charitable projects.

3) GoFundMe :
GoFundMe is a popular crowdfunding platform for personal causes and charitable projects. The platform allows users to create campaigns to raise funds for medical expenses, education, disaster relief, and other causes.

4) Crowdfunder :
Crowdfunder is a crowdfunding platform focused on equity-based crowdfunding for startups and small businesses. The platform allows investors to purchase equity shares in startups and businesses in exchange for funding.

5) Patreon : 
Patreon is a unique crowdfunding platform that allows creators to receive ongoing financial support from their fans and supporters. Creators can offer rewards to their supporters in exchange for monthly or per-project donations.

6) Fundable : 
Fundable is a crowdfunding platform focused on equity-based crowdfunding for startups and small businesses. The platform offers a range of funding options, including rewards-based crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding.

These are just a few of the many crowdfunding platforms available, and it's important to research and compare different options to find the platform that best suits your needs and goals.

Examples of Crowdfunding

There are many examples of successful crowdfunding campaigns across a range of industries and causes. Here are some notable examples :

1) Pebble Time Smartwatch : 
In 2015, Pebble Time launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to fund their new smartwatch. The campaign raised over $20 million, making it one of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns to date.

2) Exploding Kittens : 
In 2015, the creators of the popular card game, Exploding Kittens, launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter. The campaign raised over $8 million, breaking records for the most backers and the most money raised for a board game.

3) Oculus Rift : 
In 2012, Oculus launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to fund their virtual reality headset. The campaign raised over $2 million and helped kickstart the VR industry.

4) Reading Rainbow : 
In 2014, LeVar Burton launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to revive the beloved children's television show, Reading Rainbow, as a digital app. The campaign raised over $6 million, making it one of the most successful crowdfunding campaigns for a media project.

5) Potato Salad : 
In 2014, a man named Zack Brown launched a tongue-in-cheek crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to fund his first attempt at making potato salad. The campaign went viral and raised over $55,000, attracting worldwide media attention.

These are just a few examples of successful crowdfunding campaigns, and there are many more out there covering a wide range of projects and causes.

Who is Eligible for Crowdfunding ?

Crowdfunding is typically open to anyone who has a project or idea that they want to fund. However, there may be certain criteria that need to be met depending on the platform or type of crowdfunding being used. For example, some crowdfunding platforms may only accept projects in certain categories or industries, while others may require a minimum fundraising goal to be met before funds can be released.

In addition, some countries have regulations around who can invest in crowdfunding campaigns. For instance, in the United States, crowdfunding campaigns must comply with SEC regulations, which limit the amount of money that non-accredited investors can invest in a project. It is important to research and understand the regulations that apply to your specific situation before launching a crowdfunding campaign.

Here are some general requirements for a successful crowdfunding campaign :

1) A clear and compelling project: 
The project should be well-defined and have a clear purpose that resonates with potential supporters. It should also be innovative, interesting, and have a unique selling proposition that sets it apart from similar projects.

2) A realistic funding goal: 
The funding goal should be realistic and achievable, and the budget should be clear and transparent. It is important to consider all the costs associated with the project, including production, marketing, and distribution.

3) A well-designed campaign page: 
The campaign page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. It should also include clear and concise information about the project, its goals, and its benefits.

4) Effective promotion and marketing: 
Crowdfunding campaigns require extensive promotion and marketing to reach a wider audience. This can include social media campaigns, email marketing, and PR efforts.

5) A strong network of supporters: 
Having a strong network of supporters can help to kickstart a crowdfunding campaign and provide momentum. This can include family, friends, colleagues, and industry contacts.

6) A rewards program: 
Offering rewards or incentives to backers can be an effective way to motivate people to contribute to the campaign. Rewards can include anything from early access to the product, exclusive merchandise, or other perks.

7) Regular updates and communication: 
Keeping backers informed and engaged throughout the campaign is crucial to its success. Regular updates on the project's progress and any challenges or milestones can help to build trust and foster a sense of community around the campaign.

How to Crowdfund ?

Here are the general steps to follow to crowdfund a project :

1) Define your project : 
First, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to crowdfund. This could be a creative project, a charitable cause, a new product, or a business venture. You need to have a clear goal and a solid plan for how you will use the funds raised.

2) Choose a crowdfunding platform : 
There are many crowdfunding platforms available, each with their own rules, fees, and features. You should research different platforms to find the one that best suits your needs.

3) Set your funding goal : 
You need to determine how much money you need to raise to accomplish your project, and set a realistic funding goal. You should also consider the costs of producing rewards, fees for the platform, and other expenses.

4) Create a compelling campaign : 
Your crowdfunding campaign should be clear, concise, and compelling. You need to explain your project and its importance, and provide details on how the funds will be used. You should also create a video and images that showcase your project and engage potential supporters.

5) Offer rewards : 
To incentivize supporters, you should offer rewards for different levels of funding. These could be physical rewards, such as merchandise or early access to your product, or intangible rewards, such as recognition or personalized messages.

6) Promote your campaign : 
You need to promote your campaign through social media, email, word-of-mouth, and other marketing channels. You should also reach out to your personal and professional networks for support.

7) Manage your campaign : 
During your campaign, you need to monitor your progress, respond to supporter questions, and provide updates on your project. You should also be prepared to make adjustments if necessary.

8) Fulfill rewards : 
Once your campaign is complete, you need to fulfill rewards and deliver them to your supporters in a timely manner. You should also keep your supporters updated on the progress of your project and show appreciation for their support.

These are the general steps to follow to crowdfund a project, but the details may vary depending on the platform and type of project. It's important to do thorough research and planning to increase the chances of a successful campaign.

Rules of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding refers to the practice of raising funds from a large number of individuals through an online platform. The rules of crowdfunding can vary depending on the country or region in question.

In the United States, crowdfunding rules are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act. These rules allow small businesses to raise funds from the general public through online platforms, but they must adhere to certain requirements, such as disclosure of financial information and limitations on the amount of money that can be raised.

In the European Union, crowdfunding rules are regulated under the European Crowdfunding Service Provider Regulation (ECSPR). These rules aim to harmonize the regulation of crowdfunding across the EU, and they require crowdfunding platforms to obtain authorization from the relevant national authorities and provide certain information to investors.

Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind :

1) Disclosure requirements : 
Crowdfunding platforms often require project creators to disclose certain information about their projects, such as their business plan, financial projections, and any risks associated with the project. This is to provide transparency to potential investors and help them make informed decisions.

2) Funding limits : 
Some jurisdictions may impose limits on the amount of money that can be raised through crowdfunding. For example, in the United States, companies can raise up to $5 million in a 12-month period through crowdfunding under the JOBS Act.

3) Investor protections : 
Crowdfunding rules may also provide certain protections to investors. For example, in the United States, crowdfunding platforms are required to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and provide investors with certain disclosures to help them evaluate investment opportunities.

4) Payment processing : 
Crowdfunding platforms typically use third-party payment processors to handle transactions between project creators and investors. These processors may charge fees for their services, which can affect the amount of funds that ultimately go towards the project.

5) Rewards-based vs. equity-based crowdfunding : 
Crowdfunding can take different forms, including rewards-based crowdfunding (where backers receive non-financial rewards such as a product or service in exchange for their support) and equity-based crowdfunding (where backers receive an ownership stake in the project or company). The rules and requirements can differ depending on the type of crowdfunding.

It's important to note that crowdfunding rules can vary depending on the jurisdiction and can change over time. It's always best to check with the relevant authorities or seek legal advice if you are considering crowdfunding as a means of raising funds.

Advantages of Crowdfunding

There are several benefits of crowdfunding for both creators and supporters. Here are some of the key benefits :

1) Access to funding : 
Crowdfunding provides a way for creators to access funding that may not be available through traditional sources, such as banks or venture capitalists.

2) Validation : 
A successful crowdfunding campaign can validate a product or idea and provide proof of concept to potential investors or customers.

3) Marketing : 
Crowdfunding can serve as a marketing tool, allowing creators to build buzz and generate interest in their project before it is even launched.

4) Community building : 
Crowdfunding allows creators to build a community of supporters who are invested in their project and can provide valuable feedback and support.

5) Diversification : 
Crowdfunding allows creators to diversify their funding sources, reducing their reliance on a single investor or financial institution.

6) Lower barriers to entry : 
Crowdfunding can be a more accessible option for creators who may not have the financial resources or connections to access traditional funding sources.

7) Potential for high returns : 
For supporters, crowdfunding can provide the opportunity to invest in a promising product or idea and potentially earn a high return on their investment.

Disadvantages of Crowdfunding

While crowdfunding offers many advantages, there are also some potential limitations to consider. Here are some key disadvantages of crowdfunding :

1) No guarantee of success : 
Crowdfunding campaigns are not guaranteed to be successful, and even well-planned campaigns may fail to meet their funding goals.

2) High competition : 
With so many crowdfunding campaigns taking place, creators may struggle to stand out and attract supporters.

3) Time-consuming : 
Creating and managing a successful crowdfunding campaign can be time-consuming and require a significant investment of time and resources.

4) Fees and costs :
Crowdfunding platforms typically charge fees, which can eat into the funds raised by the campaign. Creators may also incur additional costs, such as producing and shipping rewards to supporters.

5) Legal and regulatory issues : 
Crowdfunding can be subject to legal and regulatory requirements, and creators may need to comply with securities laws and regulations.

6) Reputation risk : 
A failed crowdfunding campaign or a poorly managed campaign can damage the reputation of the creator and their brand.

7) Accountability : 
Creators have a responsibility to use the funds raised through crowdfunding responsibly and to deliver on any rewards promised to supporters. Failure to do so can damage their reputation and lead to legal issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best crowdfunding platform to use?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best crowdfunding platform will depend on the type of project you are trying to fund and your specific goals. Some popular crowdfunding platforms include Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe, and SeedInvest, among others.

What is Real Estate Crowdfunding ?
Real estate crowdfunding platforms combine the ideas of real estate investment trusts and crowdfunding. These websites include CrowdStreet, RealtyMogul, and Fundrise, as examples. Little donations are made by contributors in exchange for real estate equity (often commercial real estate).

What percentage of crowdfunding campaigns are successful?
According to some estimates, the success rate of crowdfunding campaigns is around 30%, although this can vary widely depending on the platform, the type of project, and other factors.

Is crowdfunding only for startups?
No, crowdfunding can be used to fund a wide range of projects, including charitable causes, creative projects, and even personal expenses.

Do I need to offer rewards to supporters in a crowdfunding campaign?
No, rewards are not required in a crowdfunding campaign, although offering rewards can help incentivize supporters and make your campaign more attractive.

How do I promote my crowdfunding campaign?
Promoting your crowdfunding campaign will require a combination of online and offline marketing efforts, including social media, email, word-of-mouth, and other strategies.

Can I use crowdfunding to raise money for a business?
Yes, equity-based crowdfunding allows startups and other businesses to raise funds from a large number of investors in exchange for equity shares.

What happens if my crowdfunding campaign doesn't meet its funding goal?
If your crowdfunding campaign does not meet its funding goal, the funds raised will typically be returned to the supporters, and you will not receive any funding.

Do you pay back crowdfunding?
The corporation is not obligated to reimburse investors in donation-based crowdfunding. Yet, many businesses include rewards for early backers, such as a prototype of the product.

Can I crowdfund my startup?
By tiny donations from lots of people online, crowdfunding is a simple approach to raise a sizable sum of money for your firm. Utilizing the Internet's reach to find potential investors to place your firm on a financial and support growth trajectory.

Is crowdfunding high risk?
The majority of investments made through crowdfunding are in hazardous, young companies' shares or debt securities, which frequently cause investors to lose their whole investment because most start-up enterprises fail. As a result, they should be regarded as extremely risky.

What is the cheapest crowdfunding site?
FreeFunder, GiveButter, FundRazr, and Funraise are the least expensive crowdfunding platforms.

What charges are made by crowdfunding websites? 
Subscription fees, platform fees, donor fees, and transaction fees are typically charged by crowdfunding websites.

How much does it cost to crowdfund?
A platform fee is the percentage of funds raised through your fundraiser that is taken by the crowdfunding website. Platform fees for crowdfunding often range from 0% to 12%.

Is crowdfunding legal in Australia?
Yes, The 2001 Companies Act was modified by the Australian government in 2017 to create a legal framework for crowdsourced funding.

Is crowdfunding legal in Nigeria?
All MSMEs incorporated as a company in Nigeria with a minimum of 2 years operating track record are eligible to raise money through a crowdfunding portal in exchange for the issuance of debentures, shares, or any other investment instrument that the Commission may from time to time determine.