1. Meaning if Income and Expenditure Account.
2. Features of Income and Expenditure Account.
3. Specimen of Income and Expenditure Account.
Income and expenditure account is a summary of revenue income and revenue expenses of a particular period. It is similar to profit and loss account in the sense that it gives the picture of working results of the concern. ' Not for Profit ' concerns prepare Income and Expenditure Account. It is a Nominal Account. Hence, all expenses / losses of current year are debited and income / gains of current year are credited to this account.
In income and expenditure account only revenue income or gains of the current period are credited. e.g. Subscription received, Interest on investment received, Sundry receipts, General donation received, Tuition fees etc.
Items of income of ' Not for Profit ' concern may differ from concern to concern. They depend upon the activity of the concern. Income received for previous year are not taken into this account. However, all incomes pertaining to current year, whether received or not received or received during the previous year, for this year, are taken into account. In other words, outstanding incomes and Pre-received incomes of current year are considered.
In income and expenditure account only revenue expenses / losses of current period are debited.
e.g. Rent paid, Salaries to staff, Honorarium paid, Purchase of stationary etc.
Items of expenses of ' Not for Profit ' concern may differ from concern to concern. They depend upon the activity of the concern. Expenses paid for previous year or for next year are not taken into account. However, all expenses pertaining to current year. Whether actually paid or not paid or paid during the previous year, for current year, are taken into account. In other words, outstanding expenses and prepaid expenses during previous year are considered.
The difference in revenue income and expenditure may be surplus /deficit. Income and expenditure account shows this surplus / deficit of the concern, in the particular period. If their is a surplus, it is added in the 'Capital Fund' and if there is deficit it is deducted from the 'Capital Fund'.
Items of capital receipts are not recorded in income and expenditure account.
e.g. proceeds of the sale of fixed assets, donations received for specific fund like building fund, prize fund etc.
Items of capital expenditure are not recorded in income and expenditure account.
e.g. construction of building, purchase of books, furniture etc.
Items of capital receipts and capital expenditure are shown in balance sheet.
1. Income and expenditure account is a nominal account.
2. In income and expenditure account consider only revenue expenses and revenue incomes, pertaining to current year are recorded
3. Income and expenditure account is similar to profit and loss account, in the sense that, it gives the picture of working results of the concern.
4. ' Not for Profit ' concerns prepare income and expenditure account instead of profit and loss account.
5. This account is prepare for finding out surplus / deficit to a concern for a particular period.
6. Income and expenditure account is a part of final accounts of ' Not for Profit ' concern. Therefore, it is always accompanied with balance sheet.
7. It has no opening balance.
8. It's closing balance shows either surplus / deficit, which is transferred to capital fund
9. It record all cash items and non-cash items, which are related to current period.
e. g. Salaries paid, and also outstanding salary, bad debts written off, depreciation etc.
The following specimen will help to understand the nature of income and expenditure account and the items covered in income and expenditure account -
Receipts and Payment Account
Income and Expenditure Account
Receipts and Payment Account is a Real
Income and Expenditure Account is a
nominal account.
Receipts and Payment Account is a
similar to Cash Book, it gives us a summary of cash transaction and bank
Income and Expenditure Account is a similar
to Profit and Loss Account in the sense that it gives us the picture of
working results of the concern.
It start with opening cash balance and
bank balance.
It has no opening balance.
Its closing balance represents, cash
in hand and cash at bank at the end of the given period.
Its closing balance represent either
surplus or deficit. Surplus is added in the capital fund. Deficit is
deducted from the capital fund.
All receipts and all payments during
the current period, are recorded in this account, irrespective of whether they
are revenue or capital in nature.
Only revenue receipts and revenue
expenses related to current period are recorded in this account.
Non-cash items are not included in
this account.
In this account non-cash items like
bad debts, depreciation, outstanding expenses etc. are also included.
It includes amounts received or amount
paid for any period like previous year, current year, or next year.
In this account amounts related to
current year only are included.
Receipts and Payment Account contains,
all transactions related to personal account, real account and nominal
Income and Expenditure Account contains only transaction related to
nominal account.
This account does not include items
regarding outstanding, prepaid pr pre-received.
This account includes items regarding
outstanding, prepaid and pre-received. |